Amaya Y, age 3

Photograph by Janice Sanford (2022)

Amaya can help anyone having a difficult day turn it around. It’s one of her gifts. Even if she isn’t feeling her best, she tries to make everyone happy and tells them to stay strong. She likes to wait on her family hand and foot!

A fighting spirit was part of Amaya’s personality from the beginning. She was walking very early—at six months old! She was talking clearly at age one. Later, after a battle with meningitis, Amaya had to learn to walk all over again. She told her mom, “I can do it. I don’t need help.” That strong spirit is also present when she’s struggling with sickle cell pain.
Her mom, Ashley, says Amaya amazes her with the knowledge she has at such an early age. “There are days she says things to me, and I wonder how in the world she would know about that!” 

Amaya’s outgoing personality comes out when she plays teacher at day care, and when she takes her family’s breakfast orders at home—and helps whip up the recipes—her specialty is a Number 5!

Amaya puede ayudar a cualquier persona que tenga un día difícil a darle la vuelta. Es uno de sus regalos. Aunque no se sienta bien, intenta hacer felices a todos y les dice que sean fuertes. Le gusta atender a su familia de pies a cabeza.

El espíritu de lucha formó parte de la personalidad de Amaya desde el principio. Caminaba muy pronto, a los seis meses. Ya hablaba con claridad a la edad de un año. Más tarde, tras una batalla contra la meningitis, Amaya tuvo que aprender a caminar de nuevo. Le dijo a su madre: “Puedo hacerlo. No necesito ayuda”. Ese espíritu fuerte también está presente cuando lucha contra el dolor de las células falciformes.
Su madre, Ashley, dice que Amaya la asombra con los conocimientos que tiene a tan temprana edad. “Hay días en que me dice cosas y me pregunto cómo diablos puede saber eso”.

La personalidad extrovertida de Amaya sale a relucir cuando juega a ser maestra en la guardería, y cuando toma los pedidos de desayuno de su familia en casa -y ayuda a preparar las recetas- ¡su especialidad es un Número 5!

Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.