Hall T, age 2

Photograph by Esther Gambrell (2022)
Hall is a very happy toddler and a light to all who meet him. He loves to smile, clap, and cheer. With a love for the outdoors, Hall enjoys going for walks, playing at the neighborhood park with his twin brother, and playing with the hose. He is also an enthusiastic fan of reading books.
Born at 37 weeks, Hall was rushed into surgery shortly after he was born. He was born with duodenal atresia and went through three additional surgeries during the first 10 weeks of his life. He doesn’t let his early struggles or Down syndrome define who he is. Hall is a very hard worker who continues to smile and be brave in all facets of his life.
Hall has brought his entire family closer. Mom says “When Hall first started walking, I could not wipe the smile off my face. He was so proud, and my husband and I were overcome with pride and happiness.”
Hall es un niño muy feliz y una luz para todos los que lo conocen. Le encanta sonreír, aplaudir y animar. Con un amor por el aire libre, Hall disfruta dando paseos, jugando en el parque del barrio con su hermano gemelo y jugando con la manguera. También es un entusiasta de la lectura de libros.
Nacido a las 37 semanas, Hall fue operado de urgencia poco después de nacer. Nació con atresia duodenal y fue sometido a tres cirugías adicionales durante las primeras 10 semanas de su vida. No deja que sus luchas tempranas o el síndrome de Down definan quién es. Hall es un gran trabajador que sigue sonriendo y siendo valiente en todas las facetas de su vida.
Hall ha acercado a toda su familia. La madre dice: “Cuando Hall empezó a caminar, no podía borrar la sonrisa de mi cara. Estaba tan orgulloso, y a mi marido y a mí nos invadió el orgullo y la felicidad”.

Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.